Does Your Crawl Space Need Waterproofing?

While your home's crawl space isn't something you often think about, it plays a crucial role in your home. It elevates your home off of the ground as well as provides space for the HVAC duct work to be hidden away. Unfortunately, the crawl space being out of sight may cause you to not realize that it needs professional waterproofing. Here are two signs that you may need it. People Living In Your Home Have Respiratory Problems Read More 

Need An Emergency Plumber? Three Factors You Should Look For

Ideally, you want to take your time and research plumbers before you ever need one. Then, if an emergency arises, you already know who you feel comfortable calling. But most people do not think about researching plumbers until they need one. If you are having a plumbing emergency, and you need a plumber now, you may not have a lot of time to carefully research the plumber. Here are a few of the factors you should look for to help you find the best emergency licensed plumber when you are in this situation. Read More 

How To Prepare Your AC For Winter

Your AC is a lifesaver during summer months. However, just because your air conditioning unit will not be as important during winter, it doesn't mean that you won't need to prep it for the winter. Here's how you prepare your AC for winter: Exterior power Central air conditioning units have exterior circuits controlling power that runs to the unit outside. Turn off the power to the unit by flipping the red circuit handle down. Read More 

3 Maintenance Tips For Mechanical Systems To Ensure Your Home Is Safe

The mechanical systems in your home, such as the water heater, plumbing and HVAC system. There are some maintenance tasks that you can do yourself to ensure that your home is safe, while other maintenance you will want to leave up to trusted professionals. Here are some tips to help ensure the mechanical systems in your home are safe and not a danger to your family: 1. The Hazards That an Old HVAC System Cause in Homes Read More 

Avoiding Frozen Pipes And How To Thaw Them Safely

If you live in an area with frigid winters, you likely have many things on your cold weather to-do list. Shoveling, clearing snow off of your roof and making sure your home heating system is in good shape help prevent costly repairs and injuries. Don't forget to add your water pipes to your list of things to check and care for during the winter months. Frozen pipes can break and need complete replacement, so making sure you know the best practices for avoiding pipe freezing and how to deal with it if it does happen can save you hundreds or thousands of dollars in emergency repairs. Read More