When it comes time to say goodbye to your old water heater, you also need to say hello to a new water heater. One of the best things about saying goodbye to your old water heater is that you can now choose to put an entirely new type of water heater in your home. When it comes to choosing a new water heater, here are five reasons you should say yes to a tankless water heater.
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If you typically have your drains cleaned during the winter, you might want to change your routine. While winter drain cleaning does get your drains ready for your holiday festivities, there are actually quite a few benefits to waiting until spring. Here are just four of the reasons you should plan your drain cleaning for spring.
Drain Sludge Will Be Thawed
If you're planning on having your drains cleaned this winter, you should know that all sludge has probably hardened to a wintery mess.
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When a drain stops flowing in a home or business, it can be an all-out disaster in some situations. Thankfully, drain cleaning services can be found in just about every location and can help customers out when they face drainage issues. Here are a few things that most customers have to ask when they need help from a drain cleaning professional for a drainage problem.
Will the drain cleaning service clean up the mess?
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Noisy water pipes are not just a bother; they might also point to a malfunction of the plumbing system. Below are some of the reasons water pipes sometimes become noisy.
High Water Pressure
Plumbing pipes have a limit to the water pressure they can safely handle. If the water pressure becomes too high, the pipes begin to rattle as the water begins to move more forcefully within the pipes. Typical causes of high water pressure include things like pipe damage, pipe obstructions, pressure valve maladjustment, and problems at the utility company, among others.
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The drip line on your air conditioning unit allows the condensation from the evaporator coil in your system to drain from it. This line usually drains into a pan, runs out of your home from a pipe, or runs to a sump pit in your basement or crawl space. Over time, this line can clog with mold, mildew or other debris, which can clog the water in the system. When this happens, you could end up damaging your system.
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