Need An Emergency Plumber? Three Factors You Should Look For
Ideally, you want to take your time and research plumbers before you ever need one. Then, if an emergency arises, you already know who you feel comfortable calling. But most people do not think about researching plumbers until they need one. If you are having a plumbing emergency, and you need a plumber now, you may not have a lot of time to carefully research the plumber. Here are a few of the factors you should look for to help you find the best emergency licensed plumber when you are in this situation.
The Certifications of the Emergency Plumber
As you go about hiring an emergency plumber, one of the first questions you should ask is what certifications, qualifications and licenses the plumber who will be sent to your home holds. Most emergency plumbers handle after hour calls on their own, without assistants or trainees. This means there is no one else to catch them if they make a mistake. As such, you want an experienced plumber who is familiar with a variety of plumbing issues. Always ask about the qualifications to ensure you are getting the most qualified plumber you can, even in an emergency situation.
What Rate You Are Charged for Emergency Calls
Another key factor to consider when you are looking to hire an emergency plumber is what their emergency rate is. Many plumbers charge by the hour for jobs. And this per hour rate increases on weekends, evenings or holidays. Paying attention to what you will be charged helps you to find a company who charges a fair and reasonable amount of money for after hour calls without price gouging you.
If They Handle Clean-Up
The last factor that you should consider when you are looking to hire an emergency plumber is whether they handle the clean-up process or whether they leave that to you. Many plumbing emergencies can leave a mess behind in your home, including a flooded toilet, an overflowing sink or a leaky pipe. Some companies will clean up the mess left behind as part of the repair process. Others leave it to you. If you don't want to touch it or deal with it, look for an emergency plumber that takes care of it for you.
If you are facing a plumbing emergency, you may hire the first company that answers their phone. But, even though you are still in a hurry, it is important to properly vet the plumber you are considering working with Taking these three factors into account will help you do just that.