Three Well Issues You May Encounter
Does your home rely on well water? If so, there are some things you must know when it comes to maintaining the well and its water quality. Here are three issues you can potentially run into.
Poor Water Quality
An issue that can be very apparent is the quality of the water, and unfortunately, there are several things that could affect the quality. Bacteria is one of those issues that requires you use a sanitizing treatment on the well water that will kill off any organism that live in it.
Another water quality issue is when your home has hard water. This is most noticeable when you shower, since the soap will not lather up as easily and it will be harder to wash the soap film off your body. The best solution is to use a water softening system that can be used to treat all water entering your home from the well.
Dry Well
Do you live in an area that has droughts? If so, it could be causing you to have a dry well. While shallow wells are cheaper to make because they don't go down very far, they are more prone to becoming dry when the weather outside is very hot. The only solution to this problem is to drill the well deeper so you can access more groundwater.
In addition to having a well that no longer goes dry, you can see some additional benefits in terms of water quality. A deep well means that you'll be able to get groundwater that is further away from your home. If you have a farm near your house, that means the water in a deep well will be less likely to be contaminated by fertilizer that you have used. It also places the bottom of a well very far away from a septic tank,
Pump Problems
A well also needs equipment that will keep the water flowing, and that the water pump needs occasional maintenance. Many homeowners test their well pump by measuring the flow of water that it produces. Water pressure that has dramatically slowed down is an indication that something is wrong with the pump. Contact a professional that can perform a more thorough inspection, which includes testing the motor and electrical system.
Well pumps do not last forever, and yours will be in need of replacement one of these days. This is another task that you can have a professional do for you when the time comes.