Noisy water pipes are not just a bother; they might also point to a malfunction of the plumbing system. Below are some of the reasons water pipes sometimes become noisy.
High Water Pressure
Plumbing pipes have a limit to the water pressure they can safely handle. If the water pressure becomes too high, the pipes begin to rattle as the water begins to move more forcefully within the pipes. Typical causes of high water pressure include things like pipe damage, pipe obstructions, pressure valve maladjustment, and problems at the utility company, among others.
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The drip line on your air conditioning unit allows the condensation from the evaporator coil in your system to drain from it. This line usually drains into a pan, runs out of your home from a pipe, or runs to a sump pit in your basement or crawl space. Over time, this line can clog with mold, mildew or other debris, which can clog the water in the system. When this happens, you could end up damaging your system.
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If you live in a home with a large family, you will need to treat things a bit differently compared to if you were living in an adult-only household. For instance, you should expect more wear and tear, especially with things that are used often, such as the plumbing system. After living in the same house for a while, you should hire a residential plumbing company and get several services.
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If you are thinking it is time to redo your current shower or bath, then you may want to think about trading your current bathtub for a clawfoot tub. There are a lot of reasons why so many people are going back in time to put these clawfoot bathtubs of the past into their modern bathrooms. Here are some of the many positive things about having a clawfoot tub put in your own bathroom.
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Low water pressure is a serious plumbing issue that can make doing even the simplest of tasks, like taking a shower or washing your hands, much harder. There are a variety of underlying problems that can cause a reduction, sudden or otherwise, in your home's water pressure: understanding what they are and how to fix them can help you get your plumbing system working properly again in no time.
Hard Water
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